Going away on vacation can be relaxing until you realize that no one is there to take care of your home.

Copper Eagle Patrol Tip: Many like to share their vacation experiences with others via social media sites such as Facebook. Here are a few tips to help you share your vacation experiences on Facebook without adding undue risk to you and your family’s personal safety.

  1. Don’t Post Upcoming Travel Plans, posting upcoming travel plans and itineraries on Facebook can also be very dangerous.
  2. Don’t Post Pictures While You’re on Vacation, those photos will keep just fine. As a matter of fact, you’ll have more fun re-living the memories by sharing later.
  3. Don’t Tag Fellow Vacationers While You And They Are Still on Vacation keep everyone’s info private and discuss this with them.
  4.  Don’t Post Any Status Updates About Your Vacation While You’re Still on Vacation.
  5. Have a house sitter or Call Copper Eagle Patrol and talk to them about all the possibilities and solutions they offer.

Copper Eagle Patrol provides services to fulfill your needs, such as installing CCTV in your home to feel protected even though you aren’t there.

Installing CCTV can allow Copper Eagle Patrol to pull up live feed at any time of the day. It allows them to watch your home whenever you’re on a vacation or simply when you’re out just buying groceries.

Camera systems have evolved over time. With the CCTV, it allows Copper Eagle Patrol to positively identify anyone involved in criminal activity and hand them over to the appropriate law enforcement.

Copper Eagle Patrol always makes sure the CCTV is working and functioning properly. There is no cost to you when your camera system is being tampered with by criminals or trespassers.

Have a safer home while you’re away!!! Call now!

Copper Eagle Patrol & Security: 26752 Oak Avenue Unit C | 661.251.6999 | www.coppereaglepatrol.com